October 2023

How long are dogs pregnant?

How Long Are Dogs Pregnant? A Comprehensive Guide to Canine Pregnancy

Understanding Puppy Aggressiveness: Causes, Training, and Solutions Ah, the marvel of dog pregnancy! At its core, it’s a fascinating journey that turns our beloved four-legged companions into doting mothers. When you break it down, the process involves so much more than just waiting around for a bunch of cute puppies. But, how long are dogs …

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Trazodone for dogs

Trazodone For Dogs: Everything you Need To Know

Understanding Puppy Aggressiveness: Causes, Training, and Solutions A recent study conducted on pet dogs in Finland found that nearly three-quarters of the 13,700 dogs observed had behavioral issues. These issues, if left untreated, can impact the canines’ quality of life and lead them to abandonment or euthanization in severe cases.  Therefore, in light of the growing prevalence …

Trazodone For Dogs: Everything you Need To Know Read More »

dog afraid to go outside

Dog Afraid to Go Outside: How to Help Your Dog Overcome Fear of the Outdoors

Understanding Puppy Aggressiveness: Causes, Training, and Solutions Dogs can be scared to go outside for different reasons. Maybe they had a bad experience, or maybe they’re scared of being alone. Some dogs are afraid of the weather changes we see these days. If your dog is scared, don’t worry! There are things you can do …

Dog Afraid to Go Outside: How to Help Your Dog Overcome Fear of the Outdoors Read More »

sad looking dog

Top 5 Canine Depression Symptoms And How You Can Help

Understanding Puppy Aggressiveness: Causes, Training, and Solutions Did you know that dogs can get depressed? Mental health isn’t exclusive to humans. Our pets can also experience depression and even anxiety. Are you worried that your furry friend has been experiencing depression? Have you noticed some things that you think might be signs of it? Dog …

Top 5 Canine Depression Symptoms And How You Can Help Read More »

Dog doesn't eat

Dog Won’t Eat or Drink and Just Lays There: Here’s What To Do

Understanding Puppy Aggressiveness: Causes, Training, and Solutions Dogs are known for being loyal and lovable companions, but when your dog stops eating or drinking, it can be a cause for concern. Lethargy, lack of appetite, and dehydration are all serious symptoms that can indicate your dog is sick. If your dog won’t eat or drink …

Dog Won’t Eat or Drink and Just Lays There: Here’s What To Do Read More »

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