Why Is My Dog Drooling So Much?

drooling dogOne thing that can help guarantee that your pet lives a wonderful life is to provide them with the medical and wellness support they need. Taking them to the vet, giving them a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stimulating play are just some of the things you can do to maintain their health.

However, if you find something wrong with your pooch, you need to take immediate action to find out the root cause and mitigate potential illnesses. You need to know what its body language, vocalizations, and action mean.

Say you find your dog drooling excessively. There are several things you should consider that can help restore its health. Check out this comprehensive guide to find out what this means and how you can address it.

Dog Breeds that Typically Drool

Now, just because your dog drools does not mean that there is something wrong with it. You want to make sure that you are getting concerned about the right things, to avoid subjecting your pooch to stressful tests and other similar experiences.

Equipping yourself with knowledge is the best way to go so that you can take prompt action when you observe something wrong with your fur baby without stressing them out unnecessarily.

The first thing you need to know is that there are dog breeds that drool more than others. Most of them have loose cheeks and upper lips, which is where their saliva tends to build up, resulting in a drool. It is part of these breeds’ traits and should be a consideration when getting them as pets.

What are these breeds? Drooler breeds are Saint Bernard, Bloodhound, Newfoundland, Bulldog, Neapolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Boxer, and Great Dane, just to name a few.

So, if you have dogs that belong to such breeds, there is no need to be alarmed when they drool. Except, of course, if they do it excessively.

When is Dog Drooling Excessive?

As mentioned, it is normal for dogs to drool, even if they do not belong to the breeds mentioned above. They tend to slobber especially when they get excited. So, drooling in itself is a pretty standard experience for dog parents.

It can become a concern, however, if they are slobbering more than usual. The key here is to get to know your pet. You might know your fur baby as a drooler sometimes, or most of the time in certain breeds.

Once you observe that they are doing so more compared to normal days, then you might have a case of excessive drooling. This is when you need to take action to ensure their health and wellness.

Causes of Excessive Drooling

You want to make sure that your dog’s drooling is due to circumstances that are not severe and harmful when left unchecked. The thing is, most of the causes of excessive drooling need to be addressed promptly in order to ensure the health and happiness of your pooch.

Here, we talk about some of the most common reasons why dogs drool abnormally. Check out the list below.

  • Mouth and Throat Problems

Like humans, dogs swallow their saliva to avoid too much buildup. However, some conditions prevent them from doing so, such as the structure of their mouth. What you need to check is if there are obstructions in their mouth or throat, which prevent them from swallowing.

These hindrances can come in different forms. Some can simply be food or foreign particles stuck in their throat or esophagus, even their teeth. This not only prevents them from swallowing properly but can also cause infections.

Another cause of swallowing difficulties is tumors, which can have an underlying cause that needs immediate treatment.

  • Dental Issues

Your dog can also drip from the mouth if they are suffering from dental issues. Too much tartar built up on their teeth can cause swallowing difficulties and irritation that can lead to more saliva secretion.

The same effect can be observed when dogs have tooth infections and decay and gum inflammation. Excessive drooling can also be a result of oral and dental diseases, which veterinarians need to check promptly.

  • Overheating

What most dog owners know about these animals is that they don’t sweat as humans do. Instead of sweating from all parts of the skin, these furry companions sweat from their paws, which is a way for them to cool down along with panting.

This is why these animals need to be in a room or place with the right temperature or climate. Some breeds tend to heat easily, especially big and furry ones.

To know if your dog’s excessive drooling is due to heatstroke, look for other signs such as heavy and quick panting, red gums, rapid heart rate, low coordination, warm feel to the touch, seizures, or tremors, and loss of consciousness.

  • Nausea and Motion Sickness

Dogs also feel nausea for various reasons. They may have motion sickness, which is why they tend to drool and vomit. If you have been in a car, boat, or other vehicle with your pooch, then the drooling may be from motion sickness.

However, if this is not a possibility, then you might want to go to the veterinarian to have your fur baby checked. Nausea can be caused by different things including minor illnesses or serious conditions.

  • Anxiety

Dogs are considered man’s best friend for the fact that they connect with us on an emotional level. So, it comes as no surprise that animals like dogs can feel anxiety, which can cause them to drool.

Being in stressful situations can lead to anxiety for dogs. The possibilities range from simply being around strangers to being in unfamiliar situations. Loud noises such as those caused by firecrackers can also cause anxiety in dogs.

Diagnosing and treating this issue is vital in taking care of your pooch’s wellbeing. As always, a veterinarian is your best bet when looking for ways to help your dog.

  • Stomach Problems

Dogs tend to be enthusiastic eaters, which is why they often swallow foreign objects that are not meant to be eaten. If the object is biodegradable or can be ingested in the stomach like paper and cartons, then all is well.

However, these animals often eat inedible things such as plastics. These can cause stomachaches, which can cause drooling in dogs and they need to flush it out of their system. Once they do so, they can feel much better.

The thing is, larger objects can cause blockages in their system, so they are unable to eliminate them. Different medical methods can be done to address this issue including surgery.

  • Poison Ingestion

As a pet owner, you have probably looked into every nook and cranny of your home to make sure that your dog could not get into harmful substances that can lead to serious conditions, even fatality.

Nevertheless, pooches have minds of their own, and they will do everything to get to some of the things you are keeping from them. Plus, they can come across plants, food items, and other poisonous materials while playing outside.

Poisoning can cause drooling, as well. So, if you find your dog excessively slobbering without apparent reason, then you should go to the vet.

  • Other Issues

Issues such as illnesses, respiratory infections, kidney diseases, and other medical conditions can cause too much drooling in canines. The thing is, they can be difficult to detect, especially if you are not an animal doctor because most of them happen on the inside of their bodies. Organ diseases are an example of this.

Steps to Take When You Observe Excessive Drooling in Dogs


  1. Take Your Pooch to the Vet

Take the guesswork out of your dog’s drooling and get to the root of the problem by taking them to the vet right away. Doing so allows these professionals not only to look into the cause of your pup’s drooling but always ways they can treat or remedy the situation.

As experts in the field, they are licensed to diagnose and treat the condition of your precious dog. They can address underlying issues that may be causing this and save your pooch’s life.

  1. Inspect Your Pet’s Toys for Hazards

We all know that dogs love chewing all sorts of things, and at times, we can’t help but discover that they have eaten something they shouldn’t. If this is the case, take the time to immediately inspect your dog’s toys to see if there are any toxic substances or harmful chunks that may be causing their drooling.

Some of the items you might want to look out for are socks or toy stuffing. These may be blocking their airways or may already be causing gastrointestinal issues.

  1. Give Your Home a Look Over

Apart from toys, make sure to look around your home or surroundings to see if there are other personal or home effects that your dog may have been exposed to. Toxic substances and chemicals, such as cleaning agents under the sink, may pose harm to their health.

In addition, you should determine if there are any poisonous plants in the house or garden that they may have been chewing. Even food items, such as certain fruits and chocolates, are out of bounds. As curious pups, they love to give a sniff and even a chew to everything they can find, even when they know they aren’t allowed.

  1. Improve Ventilation and Temperature Control

Dogs are more prone to heat strokes, especially when they’ve been out in the sun for too long or when they are contained in a hot space. This is why providing proper ventilation and temperature control is key.

Drooling, alongside panting, may be a way for your pup to help cool themselves during these times. You can prevent or reverse their drooling by giving them enough space, as well as cooling them down with some damp towels. You can also offer them some air conditioning and even some cool water to sip on.

  1. Be Consistent with Dental Hygiene

Because dental issues can cause excessive drooling, you need to make sure that you take the necessary steps to take care of their mouth and teeth.

Do not let your dog go one day without brushing their teeth and cleaning their mouths. You also need to grab some dental chews so that they can do the work themselves while enjoying a fun and delicious treat.


The Bottom Line

Most experienced fur parents say that one should be ready to dedicate their time, money, and love to a dog if they are planning to get one. After all, they are part of the family and they deserve to live healthy, comfortable, and well-loved lives. Now that you know what can cause excessive drooling, you can take the next step to keep them safe and healthy, and even save their lives.

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