How to Train Your Puppy Not to Bite

As much as puppies are cute, their sharp teeth can hurt you! Puppies bite because they’re teething and it feels good to them, so finding says to stop your puppy from biting is important. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to train your puppy tells us Mystrf from to teach dogs not to bite that won’t require a ton of effort on your part. Here are some simple steps to follow that will teach your puppy how to be gentle with you and others around him or her, so he doesn’t hurt anyone while playing with his new family.

Understand That Puppies Biting Is Natural

Puppies are curious creatures that like to explore the world around them, and they learn by using their mouths. A pup will use its mouth on a variety of things as it gets more comfortable in its new environment, but this can often result in nipping or biting. It’s important for both you and your puppy that she not bite, since this can hurt others and make training harder. But what does the little guy need from you in order to stop?

Stop the Nipping

To stop puppy biting, puppies need to learn that their mouth is for good things, not for hurting people. The first and most important step in training your puppy not the bite is getting it out of the habit of using its mouth as a weapon against humans. To do this, you will need some treats—a lot of them! Start by holding your hand up in front of your puppy’s face, palm down and fingers curled inward so that your thumb appears as a pretend kitty nose. Give a happy woof! when he goes for the hand with his teeth and then quickly pull it away before he can touch your skin. Give him a treat when he mouths you again (this time without giving any hurt) and make sure you praise him lavishly too.

doggie bitingTeach Them Bite Inhibition

Puppies play by exploring their environment with their mouths. During this process, they often explore people, objects and other animals as if these are all toys. All dogs need opportunities to be puppies! However, you will have a lot more success stopping your puppy from biting when you teach them bite inhibition early on. This means teaching your pup not to use his teeth or his mouth too hard while playing with people or objects around the house. It is essential that every time your pup bites down, you immediately let go of the toy and say Ouch! In addition, it’s important to give him something else to chew on so he learns that Ouch equals no fun!

Another technique for teaching bite inhibition in puppies is through biting back at your dog with an open hand. When they get too rough, put one hand over their muzzle or under their chin (gently) and firmly tell them No! By doing this consistently, the puppy will learn what appropriate levels of aggression are and how much pressure is too much.

Some Dogs Are Aggressive Biters

Puppies may bite because they want your attention or you’re not giving them enough exercise, which can lead to destructive behavior.


puppies are often well-behaved puppies, so walk and play with your pup every day. Teach them by saying no in a loud voice when they are about to bite. Speak in a stern voice and discourage the behavior the first time it

In Conclusion

If All Else Fails, Seek Professional Help

If you’ve been struggling for awhile and nothing seems to be working, it might be time to get professional help. Consult a local veterinarian, doggy daycare, or dog training professional in your area. They will have the knowledge and tools necessary to properly train your pup.

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